Fund Managers


We provide bespoke investment advice for investors to achieve their investment goals across a spectrum of Unit Trust Schemes, namely:

UMOJA Scheme

An open-ended balanced fund that invests in a diversified portfolio makes this fund best suited for a medium-risk profile, wherein the maximum cap for investment into listed equity is 50% at (DSE), while the balance i.e. 50% is being invested into debt instruments of varying nature/tenure.

WEKEZA-Maisha Scheme

The Wekeza Maisha/Invest life Unit Trust is the first investment cum insurance scheme to be established by UTT AMIS in the country. Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) is the combination of insurance and unit trust (investment) benefits (i.e. a marriage of Insurance and Unit Trust) ULIP is a one-stop solution providing:


A child benefits open-ended balanced fund, which seeks to generate long term capital appreciation through a judicious mix of investment in debt and listed equity instruments.


An open-ended balanced fund which aims at distributing income, periodically [Quarterly and Annual] and also seeking capital appreciation for investors. Plans: The scheme offers investment under three plans-(a) Quarterly Income distribution plan, (b) Annual Income distribution plan and (c) Annual Reinvestment plan.

LIQUID Scheme / UKWASI Scheme

An open-ended growth scheme, which seeks to provide alternative investment opportunity to investors who wish to park their surplus/ idle funds for a short to medium term duration, at competitive rates. Low risk coupled with high level of liquidity remains the hallmark of this Fund. The scheme offers investment under Growth Option with an easy exit and no-load charge.

BOND Scheme

An open-ended fixed income fund that invests in treasury bonds, listed corporate bonds and money market investments. The Fund aims at distributing income, subject to distributable surplus, periodically and also seeking capital appreciation for long term investors. Minimum Initial investment amount:

(a) TZS 50,000 for monthly reinvestment option;

(b) TZS 10 million for monthly income distribution; and

(c) TZS 5 million for semi-annual income distribution. Minimum subsequent investment TZS 5000

Bond Fund gives more room for investors to invest in various bonds and aims to distribute income Monthly, Semi-Annually and Reinvestment of Income.