CRDB Bank Plc Declaration of Dividend For The Year 2018

16th April, 2019

All News, CRDB News, Dividend News

The board of directors of CRDB Bank Plc recommends a dividend of TZS 8 per issued and fully paid up share in the line with the Bank’s Dividend policy subject to obtaining approval from the Annual General Meeting of shareholders to be held on 18th May, 2019.


Pursuant to approval of the dividend recomendation, the timetable for the dividend payment will be as follows:

Announcement of Dividend Payment: 12 April, 2019Trading of Shares Cum Dividend: 12th April – 4th May, 2019

Trading of shares Ex-Dividend: 6th May, 2019 onwards

Closure of the Members Register: 10th May, 2019

Re-Opening of the Register: 13th May, 2019

Dividend on/or about: 3rd June, 2019


Dividend will be paid directly to shareholders bank accounts, through M-Pesa, Airtel Money and Tigo Pesa for those who have issued instructions.


For communication the contact is:

The Company Secretary

CRDB Bank Plc

Office Accommodation Scheme Building – Azikiwe Street, 4th Floor

P.O. Box 268

Dar es Salaam



By order of the Board,

John Rugambo

Company Secretary

11th April, 2019


source: DAILY NEWS Tuesday, April 16-22, 2019