Capacity building on Capital Market

SOLOMON Stockbrokers, Member of Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange and Authorized Dealer of Government Securities, would like to provide an opportunity to all our future investors from Tanzania and abroad the opportunity to participate in capacity building in stocks, mutual funds and bonds which will be prepared by SOLOMON Stockbrokers.

This investment training will be conducted to several groups as follows

a. Companies and Organizations (both Public and Private)

b. VICOBA, SACCOS and any other entrepreneurship Groups

c. Any other groups or members of certain communities e.g. Friends, Families

How to participate:

  • A group of not less than ten(10) members from the above mentioned groups should be formulated.
  •  Send your applications for the training through our email:

Any well-organized place suggested by the group members.

For more information please contact us through:
Phone: +255 22 212 4495
Mobile: +255 714 269090  /  764 269090
Email Address:

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